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She was naked, cold, and afraid. However, this wasn't the type of fear to make you run from your demons, no, this was a feeling of numbness; an empty perception that filled her mind and shrouded her thinking. Something was wrong. The female sensed an evil inside of her, it filled her core with a dark ambiance. She couldn't identify the source because her main focus was to survive. Survive? Survive what?  Her only thought was to keep moving forward. Quick, sharp breaths inhaled into her exhausted body, the cool air drying her mouth. The girl's mind was practically blank as the dazzling white swirled around her; it began to snow. She looked to the sky and noticed the ice blue tint of the harsh winter yet to come. The sky. It dawned on her that she hadn't seen the sky in quite some time. Why?  The crystalline geometric shapes floated down like frozen feathers forgotten by the doves. And there she was, walking through the pine infested woods, the crunch of fallen snow beneath her bare feet. The dark green of the forest loomed around her, beckoning her to delve deeper into the unknown. She didn't understand how so much could be unfamiliar; all the sights, sounds, even the smells. The crisply cold air stung her face and extremities as the female's body started to gain a pinkish sheen, her physical form working hard to stay alive against the bitter bite of the below freezing temperatures. She didn't know how long she'd been moving until her body started to stiffen, slowly she collapsed to her knees. Her frail being pressed into the freshly snow blanketed ground like she was laid to die, the female couldn't continue on. Her world was quickly darkening as she stared into the trees, her thoughts debating whether or not she saw an angel in the distance; right before her vision turned black.


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